The trollsift API

trollsift parser

Main parsing and formatting functionality.

class trollsift.parser.GlobifyFormatter[source]
UNPROVIDED_VALUE = '<trollsift unprovided value>'
format_field(value, format_spec)[source]
get_value(key, args, kwargs)[source]
class trollsift.parser.Parser(fmt)[source]

Class-based interface to parsing and formatting functionality.

compose(keyvals, allow_partial=False)[source]

Compose format string self.fmt with parameters given in the keyvals dict.

  • keyvals (dict) – “Parameter –> parameter value” map

  • allow_partial (bool) – If True, then partial composition is allowed, i.e., not all parameters present in fmt need to be specified in keyvals. Unspecified parameters will, in this case, be left unchanged. (Default value = False).


Result of formatting the self.fmt string with parameter values

extracted from the corresponding items in the keyvals dictionary.

Return type


format(keyvals, allow_partial=False)

Compose format string self.fmt with parameters given in the keyvals dict.

  • keyvals (dict) – “Parameter –> parameter value” map

  • allow_partial (bool) – If True, then partial composition is allowed, i.e., not all parameters present in fmt need to be specified in keyvals. Unspecified parameters will, in this case, be left unchanged. (Default value = False).


Result of formatting the self.fmt string with parameter values

extracted from the corresponding items in the keyvals dictionary.

Return type



Generate a string useable with glob.glob() from format string fmt and keyvals dictionary.


Runs a check to evaluate if this format string has a one to one correspondence. I.e. that successive composing and parsing opperations will result in the original data. In other words, that input data maps to a string, which then maps back to the original data without any change or loss in information.

Note: This test only applies to sensible usage of the format string. If string or numeric data is causes overflow, e.g. if composing “abcd” into {3s}, one to one correspondence will always be broken in such cases. This off course also applies to precision losses when using datetime data.


Get parameter names defined in the format string.

parse(stri, full_match=True)[source]

Parse keys and corresponding values from stri using format described in fmt string.


Validates that string stri is parsable and therefore complies with this string format definition. Useful for filtering strings, or to check if a string if compatible before passing it to the parser function.

class trollsift.parser.RegexFormatter[source]

String formatter that converts a format string to a regular expression.

>>> regex_formatter = RegexFormatter()
>>> regex_str = regex_formatter.format('{field_one:5d}_{field_two}')

Can also be used to extract values from a string given the format spec for that string:

>>> regex_formatter.extract_values('{field_one:5d}_{field_two}', '12345_sometext')
{'field_one': '12345', 'field_two': 'sometext'}

Note that the regular expressions generated by this class are specially generated to reduce “greediness” of the matches found. For ambiguous patterns where a single field could match shorter or longer portions of the provided string, this class will prefer the shorter version of the string in order to make the rest of the pattern match. For example:

>>> regex_formatter.extract_values('{field_one}_{field_two}', 'abc_def_ghi')
{'field_one': 'abc', 'field_two': 'def_ghi'}

Note how field_one could have matched “abc_def”, but the lower greediness of this parser caused it to only match against “abc”.

ESCAPE_CHARACTERS = ['\\', '!', '"', '#', '$', '&', "'", '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', ']', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~']
ESCAPE_SETS = [('\\', '\\\\'), ('!', '\\!'), ('"', '\\"'), ('#', '\\#'), ('$', '\\$'), ('&', '\\&'), ("'", "\\'"), ('(', '\\('), (')', '\\)'), ('*', '\\*'), ('+', '\\+'), (',', '\\,'), ('-', '\\-'), ('.', '\\.'), ('/', '\\/'), (':', '\\:'), (';', '\\;'), ('<', '\\<'), ('=', '\\='), ('>', '\\>'), ('?', '\\?'), ('@', '\\@'), ('[', '\\['), (']', '\\]'), ('^', '\\^'), ('_', '\\_'), ('`', '\\`'), ('{', '\\{'), ('|', '\\|'), ('}', '\\}'), ('~', '\\~')]
UNPROVIDED_VALUE = '<trollsift unprovided value>'
format_field(value, format_spec)[source]
static format_spec_to_regex(field_name, format_spec)[source]

Make an attempt at converting a format spec to a regular expression.

get_value(key, args, kwargs)[source]
regex_field(field_name, value, format_spec)[source]
class trollsift.parser.StringFormatter[source]

Custom string formatter class for basic strings.

This formatter adds a few special conversions for assisting with common trollsift situations like making a parameter lowercase or removing hyphens. The added conversions are listed below and can be used in a format string by prefixing them with an ! like so:

>>> fstr = "{!u}_{!l}"
>>> formatter = StringFormatter()
>>> formatter.format(fstr, "to_upper", "To_LowerCase")
  • c: Make capitalized version of string (first character upper case, all lowercase after that) by executing the parameter’s .capitalize() method.

  • l: Make all characters lowercase by executing the parameter’s .lower() method.

  • R: Remove all separators from the parameter including ‘-’, ‘_’, ‘ ‘, and ‘:’.

  • t: Title case the string by executing the parameter’s .title() method.

  • u: Make all characters uppercase by executing the parameter’s .upper() method.

  • h: A combination of ‘R’ and ‘l’.

  • H: A combination of ‘R’ and ‘u’.

CONV_FUNCS = {'H': 'upper', 'c': 'capitalize', 'h': 'lower', 'l': 'lower', 't': 'title', 'u': 'upper'}
convert_field(value, conversion)[source]

Apply conversions mentioned above.

trollsift.parser.compose(fmt, keyvals, allow_partial=False)[source]

Compose format string self.fmt with parameters given in the keyvals dict.

  • fmt (str) – Python format string to match against

  • keyvals (dict) – “Parameter –> parameter value” map

  • allow_partial (bool) – If True, then partial composition is allowed, i.e., not all parameters present in fmt need to be specified in keyvals. Unspecified parameters will, in this case, be left unchanged. (Default value = False).


Result of formatting the self.fmt string with parameter values

extracted from the corresponding items in the keyvals dictionary.

Return type


trollsift.parser.extract_values(fmt, stri, full_match=True)[source]

Extract information from string matching format.

  • fmt (str) – Python format string to match against

  • stri (str) – String to extract information from

  • full_match (bool) – Force the match of the whole string. Default to True.


Retrieve parse definition from the format string fmt.

trollsift.parser.globify(fmt, keyvals=None)[source]

Generate a string usable with glob.glob() from format string fmt and keyvals dictionary.


Runs a check to evaluate if the format string has a one to one correspondence. I.e. that successive composing and parsing opperations will result in the original data. In other words, that input data maps to a string, which then maps back to the original data without any change or loss in information.

Note: This test only applies to sensible usage of the format string. If string or numeric data is causes overflow, e.g. if composing “abcd” into {3s}, one to one correspondence will always be broken in such cases. This of course also applies to precision losses when using datetime data.

trollsift.parser.parse(fmt, stri, full_match=True)[source]

Parse keys and corresponding values from stri using format described in fmt string.

  • fmt (str) – Python format string to match against

  • stri (str) – String to extract information from

  • full_match (bool) – Force the match of the whole string. Default True.


Clear internal caches.

Not needed normally, but can be used to force cache clear when memory is very limited.

trollsift.parser.validate(fmt, stri)[source]

Validates that string stri is parsable and therefore complies with the format string, fmt. Useful for filtering string, or to check if string if compatible before passing the string to the parser function.